「ソーラパンクとは、自然やコミュニティと相互に結びついた持続可能な未来を構想し、その実現に向けて活動する文学的・芸術的ムーブメントである。ソーラー "は再生可能なエネルギー源としての太陽エネルギーと楽観的な未来像を表し、"パンク "はそのような未来を創造するための反文化的、ポスト資本主義的、脱植民地的な熱意を指す。"~ ウィキペディア
“Solarpunk is a literary and artistic movement that envisions and works toward actualizing a sustainable future interconnected with nature and community. The "solar" represents solar energy as a renewable energy source and an optimistic vision of the future...while the "punk" refers to the countercultural, post-capitalist, and decolonial enthusiasm for creating such a future.” ~ Wikipedia
Whereas Cyberpunk imagines a future in which we’ve gotten everything wrong, Solarpunk dares to imagine a future in which we’ve got things right. At one time a niche sub-genre within speculative science fiction, Solarpunk is being increasingly noted for it’s capacity to evoke environmental empathy and engender hopeful imagination for a better, more equitable, regenerative and absolutely possible future.
Thrutopia is a recent cousin of Solarpunk. Not dystopian, but neither utopian. Rather, Thrutopia is a plausible way to get “thru” from where we are to the flourishing future we hope for.
Solarpunk and Thrutopia, because of their capacity to awaken imagination, are seen by many in the transition design movement as a critical leverage point to steer humanity away from the brink of disaster and toward the more beautiful world our hearts know is possible.